25 February 2016

To scent or not to scent - there is no question

A close up picture of a nose

I only wear scent when I am out of the house, very little of it - and I wash it off when I come home. I don’t use scented products or cleaners much. I am very careful with the cleaners I do use —— I am a born-again anti-scent person!

When I think what the essential oils I used to use were probably doing to my cats at the time I want to cry. I would never have knowingly damaged their health - so I’ve virtually given up using essential oils and all scents. 

There is a lot of discussion about essential oils, but very little about manufactured scents and animals - we know these are carcinogenic to humans, so what are they doing to our less poison-tolerant friends??

Not only that, but I am chemically sensitive now. Maybe years of painting with oil paint and using turpentine or was it the overused essential oils I used for everything? Whatever it is, my over-reactive system doesn't like synthetic scents. My eyelids break out in hives and feel like sandpaper and I get an immediate headache, sometimes nausea. That's OK - some people go into anaphylactic shock from perfumes.

So yes, I’m a bit pushy about it. Less is more when it comes to scent.