04 August 2005

Pests with high art

Perhaps as we grow older we get too sentimental about the human race? Our striving; our endeavours; our history; our art – all blind us to the fact that we are a nasty blight on this lovely green and blue globe.

As a teenager I was very clear on the fact that there were too many humans and I thought the zero population growth, in this country, was a good idea that shouldn’t be pushed aside for economics. We’ve woken up (slightly), to human-caused climate change – perhaps we will wake up to the reality that the more of us, the more damage we do. It’s time to change the way we think about ourselves.

1 comment:

Mrs Robot said...

True, but if those of us who are here just opened our eyes to the cause-and-effect of our actions, then life would be better for everyone and -thing. Denial is a compelling force.