08 July 2006

Father by committee

Ok, it's incredibly difficult. You think you are on top of it, but it's not possible.

• There's the putting your parent into a nursing home and his off-again on-again illnesses and dementia. The decisions about his health and care and what to do if he gets worse.
• There's the hoard to be cleaned up, sorted and dispersed to everyone's satisfaction. We are only just beginning and there are already issues.... some to do with decisions that were made before my father became less than competent.
• There are the old grudges and current lack of trust and respect between siblings.
• There's the emotional upheaval of having to say goodbye to childhood - and the good and bad memories that stirs up.
• There's financial worry and responsibility - which is all on one person (not me thankfully).
• There's prioritising with two or more other people involved....

I guess we will all appear to be vultures no matter what we do. 'Things' are big in my family and my father impressed upon us the importance of his things to him and that he wanted to pass them on. So we are doing what he wanted and something has to be sorted out sooner rather than later, but it's still squabbling over an inheritance before he's even gone.

Did I mention 'to everyone's satisfaction'?

1 comment:

Mrs Robot said...

Oh, yuk. What an arduous time. Like many difficult things, though, you may get some unexpected good out of it. Hope so.

Call me any time for a coffee and chat, be it to chew over the big issues, to vent, or a light and breezy escape.
