12 January 2006

What image recognition software will do for shoe shopping

They say we will be able to photograph restaurants with our phones and then pull up reviews without typing any words…. Lovely, but my immediate thought was – That would be great for shoes.

I often find my optical receptors zooming in on other women’s shoes (with something like the six-million dollar man running sound effect) and find myself wishing they would automatically take an anonymous photo so that I can put those exact shoes on my wishlist. Of course you never can find those shoes anywhere and my mind also dismisses them as optionally: ‘from Melbourne’; ‘from London’; ‘from Italy’…..

If said shoes were available on the web and an image recog software could automatically locate and price them in local currency…. Hmmm.

And while we are dreaming, my phone would also have, (through a nifty electronic pad of some kind that is either at home or in a shop/podiatrist’s somewhere), all the specs for my feet to upload to shoe manufacturers and retailers. I want my shoes to arrive fitted and with a bit of padding in the right place on the right shoe for that bone that sticks out….


Mrs Robot said...

Ooh! I like your shoe phone! Particularly the bit that sends feet measurements to ensure said shoes are comfy as well as stylish. Perhaps a hologram projection of the feet would work? I don't think that's unreasonable. The US probably has the technology, but is hogging it for military purposes.

Fatuous One said...

I know - when are they going to get serious?

Fatuous One said...

I'm out-dreamed in the phone department, that's for sure....

Fatuous One said...

Interesting to note there is now software being developed to scan feet and print shoes.... but it is only going to be available for sports people. Maybe one day.....