25 May 2006

I'm trying to be real, really I am....

Every time I try to be a growned-up, Real Graphic Designer I seem to end in the same morass.

Perhaps it is fate telling me it's better to be poor and do some art? I am not cut out for the Real World. It never seems to mesh with me.

It's usually this time of year that I take on extra graphic design work, other than my three-day a week job. It doesn't come in on time, so I accept more design work from another source. I never want to do it, but think I need the money, and I somehow feel obliged (by my inner adult?). Waiting. Something I abhorr. The design jobs never come in on time so I feel chained to the computer; I feel like I am working, yet am doing nothing to earn money.

Then everything comes in at once and all things social begin to happen (with the drinking and staying up later than normal), and family commitments occur (with the stressed-out feeling that only your family can give you and they don't even have to try)....

Also, it is this time of year when sitting at the computer means your hands and feet are freezing. It's inevitable that the stress and cold combined lead to some sort of illness.

By the end I blame it all on the work and say 'never again', but by May next year I will have forgotten and do it all again. Just shoot me now.


Mrs Robot said...

I just can't stand a morass.

I go through the same thing. Or rather, I went through the same thing. Even though there's big mobs of money waiting out there for those prepared to chain themselves to the electronic coal face, I just can't bring myself to do it anymore.

If it's any consolation, you are an excellent designer. I was just telling Shane the other day that when I sit down to tackle a tricky job I say, "How would Fatuous One do it?" Quite seriously. Your work is great, and people throw money at you when you do it. There could be a connection.

The cold hands syndrome is a genuine problem. When they're perched up there on the keyboard the blood just drains away. Mouse Hand is even worse. In Canberra I trained myself to become used to typing with fingerless gloves on. It's kind of odd, but not too bad. I bought nice ones with Thinsulate lining. Maybe you would do well to invest.

Good luck. I hope this financial harvest doesn't come at a cost of too much misery.

Fatuous One said...

Yep, got the fingerless gloves already... must be a requirement for the job I think. (thank {your personal entity} that I don't live in Canberra where I would be too torpid with cold to move.)

Thanks for the pep talk. I'll be the Little Engine that Could for a few minutes now....