01 November 2007

Crazy-drunk-lady-on-the-bus (CDLOTB)

Crazy-drunk-lady-on-the-bus is a personality type, isn't it?

Anyway, CDLOTB gets on the bus and can't find a seat so exclaims about how rude and disrespectful men are to women these days. A young Asian guy (the fool) gives her his seat next to a pretty Asian girl. To her credit she sort of thanks him. Then she realises the girl next to her is Asian and says, "Where do you come from?" Young girl confronted with drunk, mumbly old woman doesn't really answer or understand maybe.... This causes CDLOTB to start….

She says she has worked since she was 8 and it's not fair that these people(being people who appear to have not been born here, I gather) come here and get given everything while she gets nothing.

I thought, hmm, that girl is probably a reasonably wealthy student whose parents are paying, through the nose, so that she can come here and get abused.

I wanted to ask if CDLOTB had asked for help, but I have something I'm deciding to call an 'inner British' who/which rightly says 'no, better to gracefully pretend it's not happening'. However, the lady from the refugee centre doesn't have any inner British about her at all - she decided to reasonably talk to CDLOTB, which anyone with an IB can tell you won't work. Thank you lady from the refugee centre.

Lots of swearing prompts the driver to tell CDLOTB that she will get thrown off the bus or the police will come for her, to which she replies that she has never sworn in her life and why would the police come for her because she's a good woman who's been treated badly. You can't actually argue with CDLOTB in any way.

And why would you want to, I think.

However, refugee lady having escaped the bus several stops before hers, two others decide to take up the gauntlet and cause another geyser of vitriol from CDLOTB.

Meanwhile I'm feeling sorry for everyone - the Asian girl who copped the CDLOTB, the fools who didn't know what they were causing with their well-intentioned, guilt prompted behaviour, the CDLOTB, certainly (while thinking ‘there but for the grace of god etc’) and mostly, mainly, me.

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