07 November 2007

It's them, not me

Ok, I do it a lot too, but it seems to me that we all spend too much time, particularly with climate change issues, saying ‘it’s them’.

Yes, large companies are doing great environmental damage and what’s worse is that they are lobbying against the world’s interests to prevent economic loss. They are attempting to mislead people. It’s the people who are allowing that to happen, though, isn’t it?

Are we all completely gullible fools or what? Perpetually making it someone else’s fault and therefore someone else’s problem is very easy.

We talk about ways of making more power without carbon emissions. Talk. It’s fairly certain that macro measures like solar and wind on our own homes won’t do it and if measured up on large scale, actually cost more. So much for the people who are trying to do something for themselves….

So, we keep talking about what we will do while the deadline passes. We shift the deadline – who can take something like a point of no return seriously?

There is never any serious attempt to re-educate the public. Never any talk of having to cut down and consume less, because this will piss of the people who make money out of these things. Why? Will it harm political contributions or the much-lauded economy?

Human civilization as we know it hasn’t been around that long. Before that we had equally acceptable ways of living. How many civilizations fell because they ignored environmental factors? Lots.

We can go on without the economy. We can’t go on without the environment and it’s time we took some personal responsibility.

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