Sure, when you hold them they smell nice and turn all your nurturing switches. The more time you spend with them, the more your instincts to protect kick in. It's nice. But they aren't cute.
They especially aren't cute in pictures. I've seen cute pictures of toddlers - mostly the things they are doing and the clothes they are wearing, but babies? No.
Doing strange things to them like putting them in flower pots is especially not cute. That's just sickeningly bad taste.
Generally I just keep my thoughts to myself and think 'each to their own'. I think baby animal photos are sometimes cute, but I'm not into the obsession with cute really at all. I think Teddy bears are cute, but I don't collect them. I'm not into looking at pictures of everyones' cats either - I'm just not a part of this Cult of Cute....
Panda image is from this Etsy shop