13 March 2006

Posting into the ether

Years ago my friends and I had a group diary/writing experiment. It was blogging in the 80's. The first entry was lost as the books travelled through time, but was about a frog. Things got better, and worse, from there.

Dear Diary/ Depressed Press entry no.?

What play is this? Cloe the frog hopped her hop a long while ago - now we are old. It doesn't matter what you imagine life will be, all that does matter is that Life is. That is how you know that you are Old. And Wise? Perhaps. Wait until older still to decide....


Mrs Robot said...

We-e-e-e-elllll.... what you imagine life to be can influence what life is, if you're brave enough to follow the signposts. And, as you rightly say, life is and we're all growing older, so best to give those signposts some consideration, eh?

Fatuous One said...

I was very drunk and I wrote about obscure references to past collaborations with friends....

Yes, I agree that what you imagine life to be can influence what it is, but when you are older you distinguish between dreaming the impossible dream (however romantically I might imagine that being sung) and dreaming the achievable dream....

I think you are the kind of person who has signposts. My imagination is full of ring-roads and inadequate signage. Nevertheless I travel the road too. There's probably the occassional sign that says 'There be dragons'. Oddly, that thought cheers me.

Mrs Robot said...

Ooh, I love the "dragons" signs! I've mosied on down to dragon town many times.

Posting drunk. Always makes for a post to reflect on, I find. :D