07 August 2006

procrastination is my friend

I'm sick. I'm definitely sick. Is that good enough? Stay home from work? But the work will pile up; people will think I am having a sicky; I will have to go to work sometime this week and it will only get harder. I am sick. Do I go to the doctor? Do I want to go to the doctor - that's almost harder than going to work sick. Do I want to spread germs? I should stay home. I am, after all, sick. Busy week, busy month - can't afford to be sick. Should go to the doctor!

Bad to be in your own head and still have no idea of the plan for the day.


Mrs Robot said...

A day off when you're crook can save you several when you're crooker as a result of not taking care of yourself. (If only I'd seen this on Monday when you'd posted it.)

Fatuous One said...

I did stay home Monday but foolishly went in on Tuesday and stuffed up lots of things. Like Protestant work ethic there is also Sickie Guilt, but it is only a sick person who can think going to work sick is a good idea. Note to self - do not even try to think when you have a fever.